Tuesday, May 20, 2014

A Writing Routine

Do you have a routine when it comes to your writing? I sort of do. Although it doesn't always go exactly the same way or happen at the same time every day. It goes something like:

  • Sit at computer
  • Check email
  • Read news
  • Stare at squirrels outside
  • Surf the web
  • Watch dove and squirrel bickering over bird seed
  • Make a fresh cup of chai
  • Write
I think it's funny to look at what you do every day and see what your patterns are. What does it take to get you writing? Can you just sit down and do it like Nike, or is it necessary for some sort of conditions to be met before you can get it done?

I find that once you can identify your patterns, you can start to harness them in a positive way to help you move along in the writing process.

One of the things I've found is that making a cup of chai somehow signals to my brain that it's time to write. Why does it do this? I have no idea. I don't question the magic of my homemade chai. But what I know is that if I'm struggling to move along, I can go make that cup of chai and I'll have a better shot at producing something.

Another thing I've found is that I have to sit on my couch to work on personal pieces. And conversely, I have to sit at my desk by my window to work on freelance stuff. So if I want to work on my book and just can't summon the motivation to do anything, I pick up my computer and take it to the couch. Because I know that if anything is going to happen on that front, it will happen in that location.

I also find that I have to spend some totally useless time surfing the net and checking emails right when I sit down at my desk in the morning. It's almost like a warm-up for my brain. Without it, nothing will be happening in my world. Silly? Maybe. A way of procrastinating? Probably. But it works.

So what's your writing routine? Have you identified it? And once you have, are you harnessing it to help you along?

Happy Tuesday! I'll be sitting here finishing my chai.

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