Monday, June 30, 2014

Sometimes You Just Gotta Set a Writing Deadline

So I did something to myself this weekend. I put myself on a writing deadline to get my book finished. To elaborate: I talked to my editor, we discussed her schedule, and I put myself down for mid-September. Which means my book has to be done by then.

I may have stressed myself out a little bit.

Up until now I had been very leery of giving myself a deadline for my creative work. Will it stifle me? Will I get stuck? Will I freak out?

But then I decided that if I wanted to actually get it done, I needed to give myself a deadline just like I do with my freelance work. Because let's be honest, the projects that have open deadlines are the ones that almost always succumb to procrastination. It's so easy to just dilly dally around and sort of "get to it when you have time" rather than sit down and pump it out.

And I didn't want to give myself further permission to stall.

I hadn't been very strict with myself up to this point when it came to writing schedules or word count goals. I just worked on it when I felt like it, or when the mood struck, or when I had nothing else going on. And while I was actually working on my manuscript several days a week, overall that's not a great way to get something important accomplished is it?

Setting a deadline will force me to work my tail off to get that book done and submitted to my editor by September 15 no matter what I have to do. No matter if I have to work long hours, no matter if I have to work into the evenings, no matter if I'm tired, no matter if I'm frustrated.

Am I scared? Yes. I spent two hours editing today and only made it through seven pages. Am I feeling the pressure? Absolutely. The only job of a deadline is to put pressure on the person who has to meet it.

But is it a good thing? I think so. A dream only becomes a reality when you set goals, and I think that's what I've done now. So I feel like I'm one step closer to achieving it than I was before.

But maybe ask me how I feel in August if I'm still toiling away on page 148 and can't get it all together. I'll either fall completely apart and run away screaming, or I'll get it together and pump it out by my deadline (more likely).

I'm looking forward to a rewarding summer and a finished book this fall.

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