Thursday, June 12, 2014

The Power of Visualization

So I was watching a YouTube clip this morning of Jim Carrey talking about the power of visualization when it comes to realizing your dreams. And then Oprah followed up with some commentary on how we have to visualize and then release it, and let it go. And then I got sucked into a clip of Will Smith talking about work ethic and determination, and how your thoughts are the biggest driver of your success (or lack of it) in life.

And that got me thinking about whether or not I'm using visualization enough (or at all) when it comes to my writing.

I'm an aspiring novelist and have been for many years. And instead of spending my time visualizing that goal, I spent a lot of that time focusing on my fears. Fears of inadequacy, fears of rejection, fears of never accomplishing that thing I was setting out to do.

And what good does that serve me, really? What energy am I putting out there and how is it going to materialize?

When I set out to become a freelance writer and grow my own business, I actually did spend quite a bit of time visualizing myself just as I wanted to be - a successful freelance writer, with my own business, and my own schedule, and a life that I felt in charge of. And with enough money to at least pay my bills.

And what am I now? A successful freelance writer, with my own business, and my own schedule, and a life I feel in charge of. And I somehow have enough money to pay my bills.

So today my goal is to begin shifting some of my energy towards visualizing myself as a successful novelist, too. Because I think half of the battle is just believing it can happen for you. Believing you can do it. Believing that what you set out to do will materialize.

And then once you put it out there to the universe, perhaps the universe can begin the process of making it a reality. Because if you read enough about the power of thinking, you learn just how much your own thoughts can influence the course of your life - both in your reaction to the things that happen to you, and in actually altering the types of life events that come your way.

So today, I visualize myself as a successful novelist. And the funny thing is that as I sit here and visualize, I find myself becoming less afraid of failure and more motivated to sit down and write. And not only ready, but eager, to face that scary process of cutting words from my manuscript to make it better.

And you know what? That's one step closer to my dreams than I was yesterday!

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