Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Finding Inspiration - The Beautiful, The Horrific, or The Mundane?

I saw this beautiful painting today by a woman I know, who coincidentally is also a yoga teacher. I'm hoping she'll allow me to purchase it from her to use as my book cover, but regardless...it inspires me.

That got me thinking about inspiration and where you find it. And also about how sometimes the inspiration is there but my brain isn't open to receiving it.

This painting has a face of a woman on it. And that face got me thinking about the woman in the painting, and the story behind the painting, and the colors. And where it all came from. Or where it all could come from. Or why it touches me the way it does.

And it's a good lesson for me today in learning to pay attention to things I think are beautiful. Because I think at the end of the day, as writers, we are inspired by three things - the beautiful, the horrific, and the mundane. Which sort of encompasses most of everyday life, but it's worth taking note of which of those three things inspire you the most.

I used to believe I was inspired by the horrific because I had so much personal experience with it. But these days, and today, I believe I'm inspired by beauty. In nature, in people, in animals, in art. Beauty gets my juices flowing.

What is it for you?